Safe handling & transport of solid bulk cargoes, 2019 Ed.

Safe handling & transport of solid bulk cargoes, 2019 Ed.

Safe handling and transport of solid bulk cargoes (Model Course 1.45) (2019 Edition)

prezzo: 65,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2019
Codice IMO T145E
ISBN 978-92-801-1722-6

The course is intended for seafarers on board ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, and personnel involved in the transport chain of solid bulk cargoes, such as officials of the competent authorities, port authorities, port terminals, mine operators, shippers, technicians and shipping company’s representatives, as well as all personnel involved in the assessment of acceptability of consignments of solid bulk cargoes according to the IMSBC Code