IATA Live Animals Regulations

IATA Live Animals Regulations

(LAR) 2022 Ed. - Book (English)

IATA - Live Animals Regulations (LAR) Manual, 2020 Edition (46th) - Effective Date: Jan 1, 2022 until Dec 31, 2022 - Book

prezzo: 305,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2022
Codice IATA 9105-48
ISBN 978-92-9264-321-8


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The Global Standard for the Transportation of Live Animals by Air

Live animal transport is a complex, high-touch process involving everyone from the shipper to freight forwarders to airline staff, including the handlers. Inappropriate container use or misunderstanding carrier or government regulations can have catastrophic consequences.

The LAR has all the information you need to make sure your live animal shipments are handled and transported in the most expedient and humane manner and at their destination in good health, whether it’s a pet, day-old chicks, racehorses or something a little more exotic.