IATA Temperature Control Regulations

IATA Temperature Control Regulations

(TCR) 2022 - Windows (English)

IATA - Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) 2022, 10th Edition - Effective: 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 - Windows Software

prezzo: 295,00 €
IVA 4%
Edizione 2022
Codice IATA 9881-10
ISBN 978-92-9264-416-1


NOTA BENE: Tutti gli ordini sono soggetti a conferma d'ordine che verrà inviata via mail.
In considerazione della continua fluttuazione del cambio dollaro/euro ci riserviamo il diritto di annullare qualsiasi ordine.


Versione elettronica scaricabile da web
Non viene fornito alcun CD-ROM ma un codice (activation code) che permette di scaricare immediatamente la versione elettronica e di attivarla su un singolo computer.


The Global Standard for the Safe Transportation of Healthcare Products by Air

Transporting healthcare and life science products such as vaccines or medication quickly and safely is more important now than ever. Not only are the products themselves time and temperature sensitive, but the people they are meant to help must be assured of the effectiveness and all time availability.

The TCR contains all the information and requirements you need to ship compliant temperature-sensitive products. Accessing up-to-date carrier and government regulations, packaging requirements and documentation before you ship, reduces losses and improves patient health.