IATA ULD Regulations

IATA ULD Regulations

(ULDR) 2022 - Windows (English)

IATA - Unit Load Devices Regulations (ULDR), 2022, 10 th Edition - Effective Date: Jan 1, 2022 until Dec 31, 2022 - Windows Software

prezzo: 430,00 €
IVA 4%
Edizione 2022
Codice IATA 9102-10
ISBN 978-92-9264-400-0


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An aircraft Unit Load Device (ULD) is either an aircraft container or a combination of an aircraft pallet and an aircraft pallet net for grouping and restraining cargo, mail and baggage for air transport. Since the 1950s, they’ve been used to safely transport goods by air. However, year after year, ULDs are often a leading cause of aircraft damage on the ground and also costs the industry about USD 400 million annually for the repair and loss.

To help reduce ULD related safety incidents as well as damage and loss, IATA has developed the ULDR. The ULDR is a comprehensive reference manual containing all the regulatory and airline requirements, technical and operating specifications as well as industry agreed standards and procedures applicable to all parties involved in the manufacturing, repair and maintenance, handling and operations of ULDs.