IATA Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines

IATA Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines

(ISSG) 2021 - 2022- Book (English)

Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines (ISSG), 2021 - 2022, 16th Edition - Effective 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022 - Book

prezzo: 215,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2021
Codice IATA 9052-16
ISBN 978-92-9264-447-5


NOTA BENE: Tutti gli ordini sono soggetti a conferma d'ordine che verrà inviata via mail.
In considerazione della continua fluttuazione del cambio dollaro/euro ci riserviamo il diritto di annullare qualsiasi ordine.


The ISSG is the complete, plain language guide to transporting any sort of infectious substance quickly and safely. In the case of laboratory tests, delays due to shipping problems could mean a delay to initiating the necessary public health response or identifying the treatment required for a patient.

The ISSG contains documentation and packaging examples, checklists for every step of the process and shipping regulations for air, sea, road, rail, courier and the postal service.