Port State control 2021, 2022 Ed.

Port State control 2021, 2022 Ed.

Port State Control 2021, 2022 Edition

prezzo: 45,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2020
Codice IMO IE650E
ISBN 978-92-801-17424

Port State control inspections contribute to ensuring that global maritime standards are being implemented consistently on all ships. This publication provides guidance for port State control officers on the conduct of inspections to support harmonization in the way inspections are carried out worldwide.

This edition includes amendments to the Guidelines for investigations and inspections carried out under MARPOL Annex II (appendix 4), the Guidelines for control of operational requirements (appendix 7) and the Guidelines for port State control under MARPOL Annex VI (appendix 18)