IATA Airport Handling Manual

IATA Airport Handling Manual

(AHM) 2023 - Book (English)

IATA - Airport Handling Manual (AHM), 2022, 43rd Edition - Effective Date: Jan 1, 2023 until Dec 31, 2023 - Book

prezzo: 595,00 €
IVA assolta dall'editore
Edizione 2023
Codice IATA 9099-43
ISBN 978-92-9264-.........


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The AHM contains all the industry-approved policies and standards to support safe and efficient ground operations above and below the wing.

Digital products come with automatic updates for the year and a search function that makes finding current information easy. Plus, it's cheaper.

Note: Airport Handling Manual is a complementary manual to IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM). Buy them together and save. The IGOM is procedure driven, focusing on “how to ​​do”. The AHM is policy driven and focuses on “what to do”.